Good News: Dead #10 has a title! Drum's...Dead Ball. Yes, it's about sports and the many roles it plays in small towns across the Dakotas.
Bad News: Just as I was set to take my first vacation of the year up in South Dakota and get rolling on Dead Ball after completing my research, my mother ended up in the hospital and remained there for over a month. Then when I returned home, I found my home of 20 years was being sold out from under me and I had five weeks to find a new place and move. (Somehow, that all happened.) Sheesh. Enough already, 2020! With all that going on, I contacted my editor and set a new editing date, which is a full three months later than usual. This may well push the actual publishing date, usually anywhere from March to May (mostly the latter these days), into late summer or fall. I will, of course, let you know when it's finally out.
Best News: It's less than two months until 2020 is over!