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CAN I SEND YOU TYPOS OR OTHER ERRORS? Yes, certainly. My editors and I try to stamp out all of the little gremlins before publishing but they are remarkably resilient. HOW DO I KNOW WHEN YOUR NEW BOOK IS OUT? If you would like me to add you to an e-mail list used only for this purporse, just use the New Releases tab and enter your email. Otherwise, I will announce it here on my website and it will, of course, show up at various retail sites. I SENT YOU AN EMAIL THROUGH THE CONTACT PAGE BUT I NEVER HEARD FROM YOU. HOW COME? I reply to every email I get through the contact form. It's possible that my reply to you was caught in your spam filter, so you might check to see if that's the case. If that isn't the problem, try making a comment on a blog entry (any entry will do) and include your email address. Since I have to approve blog comments before they go up, I will simply delete the comment and contact you directly. |